Friday, March 28, 2014

Phantasm V: Ravager

Phantasm V: Ravager is actually a reality. Does the world need another Phantasm film, probably not, but I'm going to watch it. When Phantasm premiered in 1979, it was a weird, creepy, indy horror movie that earned a much deserved following. I used to catch Phantasm, late night on Creature Feature hosted by Count Gore De Vol. If you grew up in and around Washington D.C. you know all about Creature Feature. By the time I got to junior high school, I had gathered a motley crew of pals that lived for horror movies and read Fangoria and Gore Zone religiously. So it was with much anticipation that we greeted Phantasm 2. It was an important moment in our young lives when Reggie Bannister put two shotguns together, cut the barrels, and blasted the evil little jawa's the Tall Man unleashed. While the first two installments are probably the best of the series, the rest of the installments are important to fill out the mythology of the Tall Man. The trailer for part five looks as crazy as ever. Reggie is still there, ready to kick major weirdo ass as usual. So, for your viewing pleasure, Phantasm V: Ravager:

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