Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Future Sports, Sports of the Future

Jonathan! Jonathan! Jonathan!
Does anybody remember Slamball? For some reason I decided to look it up on YouTube today. I was ready to trash an already dead sport, but then I was transfixed by the only court based sport so far to incorporate trampolines. It got me wondering, where are all of the future sports that Hollywood has promised us? Where is Rollerball and Jugger and the weird game from Battlestar Galactica. How come we still have hockey, baseball, basketball and football? Where are the digital and computer upgrades. Why isn't Mutant League Football a real thing? Nobody cares if a mutant gets a concussion. Sure, the players are ripped limb from limb, blown up and murdered, but it's all a part of the game. All I'm saying is that the sports world needs to up their game. Let's get back to Robot Wars and Slamball. Let's think outside of the box. Let's talk lasers, artificial intelligence, anti-gravity games, jet packs, motorcycles, dog skulls. Come on sports masterminds, let's get cracking!

The great James Caan gives you the future of sports!

I'll use any excuse to post this:

Time for this to hit the big time!

If I could get my hands on this game again, I would never stop playing it!

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