Friday, March 7, 2014

The Undeniable Goodness of Baby Metal

So for all those people that posted this goofy video, "thanks", now you've exposed me to the most ridiculous thing ever, that I can't stop watching. So I guess it's up to me to "Pat It Forward". There are so many reasons to hate Baby Metal. But it's so poppy and catchy, as these Japanese gals rock out, singing about chocolate. The best part is the band dressed in skeleton outfits. Or is it the choreography. Or is it the music. It's all good. God help me it's all good. Now I'm sure there is some sort of subliminal message buried in the music that will either raise the elder god Cthullu, send waves of teens to ritual suicide, or sterilize all men over twenty. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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