Monday, July 27, 2015

The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders and Me

            I have to admit to my secret shame. I guess it’s not that secret. I love watching ‘Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders: Making the Team’. Now, first things first, I hate the Cowboys. I don’t think I could hate anything more, maybe child rapists, maybe. I was raised to hate the Cowboys of course. Growing up outside of Washington, D.C. in the 1970’s and 1980’s it was the best of times for any Redskins fan. The ‘Skins were kicking ass, D.C. was full of crime and crack and the Bullets were still the Bullets. Now of course times have changed. There’s still crime, less crack, the Redskins are dreadful and the Bullets are the Wizards. And of course we now realize that Redskins is not a term of endearment. I’ll leave that for another post.
            So ‘MTT’ as I’ll call it, because I don’t want to type out that long ass title over and over again, has captured my T.V. viewing heart. Where else can you watch beautiful girls, whittled down from a huge group of bright eyed go-getters, to a much smaller group of disillusioned, self-conscious, minimum wage earners? They come from all over the south, looking for an opportunity to dance with the most over rated group of cheerleaders since the Rancho Carne Toros.
            ‘MTT’ has been on forever. The other day I saw a commercial for season 10!! How can this be? Ten seasons? A decade of this tripe! Each season it’s the same thing. Eager girls try out, fall down, get injured, overcome, figure out it’s not gods plan, cry, cry some more, discover some saucy pictures and maybe make the team. The whole deal is lorded over by two former Cowboy cheerleaders who dispense pain and judgment, as if they were Pinhead and the Cenobites. 

            I should hate everything about this show. And yet, I find myself captivated. I can’t stop myself. I must watch. I’m looking forward to season 10. I’ve got my DVR set. I hope some of them make the team.

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