Thursday, July 30, 2015

Portlandia Rules: Portland vs. The Icebreaker

            Portland, Oregon citizens turned out this morning to watch the high drama as Greenpeace activists dangled from the St. Johns Bridge to stop a Shell icebreaker from traveling up the Willamette River. With bridge access blocked and traffic around the area snarled, KGW8, the local NBC affiliate was on the case. The hilarious news team has been stumbling and bumbling to cover the action. Like something out of Anchorman, they've asked ridiculous questions paired with endless speculation. The best part so far has been the footage from the river of the gathered masses, celebrating a small victory. I believe the man in the photo below leads them:

The protesters have forced the ship back to the dock. For the moment they have secured a small victory. I will continue to monitor for more hilarious happenings.

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