The Exorcist 3: An under appreciated movie, if it wasn't an Exorcist sequel it would have been received better. I love George C. Scott, and he chews up all of the scenery as he tries to figure out the strange ritualistic murders plaguing Georgetown. This features the single scariest scene I've ever seen in a movie. It really is frightening.
Event Horizon: Once upon a time I told a bunch of people to go and check this out. They were not happy with me. But I think history has proven me correct in my endorsement. Now, this isn't Shakespeare. It's a space ship that goes through a black hole, passes through Hell and comes back possessed. It's gory and atmospheric. Lawrence Fishburn and Sam Neil are solid, so it's got that going for it. I'm sure I will catch some shit for suggesting this, but I like it, so try it out.
Slither: I really like James Gunn and his movies. He's got the big Marvel extravaganza Guardians of the Galaxy coming this summer. Before he got the reins to a comic book movie, he made this fun monster, zombie, comedy-action mashup. Nathan Fillion, Elizabeth Banks and Michael Rooker star and it does a good job of going from laughs to gore. It's a cool movie that got overlooked for some reason.
So give these a chance before you waste any time on lazy shit like Sharknado or Zombeavers.
Yeah, still not happy about you tricking me into seeing Event Horizon.