Friday, March 14, 2014

Hip Show-Arena Combat: Future Sport?

On the heels of my post about future sports, I found this crazy Russian gameshow premiering soon in the US. It's called Hip Show-Arena Combat and it's scheduled to air on AXS TV, whatever that is. Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks NBA franchise, found this show, which originates from Russia. You know Russia, home of all things intense. Anyway,this show is a mix of American Gladiators and Mixed Martial Arts. This reminds me of something you would find in an '80's action film. It would take place in a rundown warehouse on the edge of town.

Jean Claude Van Damme would have to enter this secret tournament, so he could raise money to buy feet for child victims of land mines in Serbia.

Somewhere, shrouded in darkness, the mastermind Joe Don Baker, smokes a cigar, laughing sinisterly.

It looks like a cluster fuck of activity, as two teams of two chase each other around on a multi-level obstacle course and then of course they fight. I'm interested, but at the same time weirded out by this show. I'm not sure it's the future of sports, because it just seems too crazy. Check it out:

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