Friday, February 28, 2014

Happy Friday...It's Almost time for 'True Detective'

Happy Friday! I spent all week obsessing over True Detective. It's the first show in a long time that I've been this in love with. I've read tons of theories online guessing at what the end reveal will be. I'm ready to go wherever the show is taking me. My only idea about where we're headed is that it's going to end badly. There's no way this season of True Detective ends happily. Since the series will focus on two different detectives next year, it's possible that everybody dies or goes to jail. The one thing I'm really afraid of, is that this season ends without a true idea of who, or what, is behind the killings. Since the story has been about Rust Cohle and Marty Hart, it's entirely possible that their story ends before the crime is solved. I hope this isn't the case, but as anybody who's a fan can see, not all of the answers are left in the open. HBO has hit on another amazing series. Hopefully this season isn't too good to follow, because the bar has been set high. If you haven't started watching the show, it's time to sit down for a marathon, because we're down to the last two episodes.

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